Due process of Law

美 [duː ˈprɑːses əv lɔː]英 [djuː ˈprəʊses ɒv lɔː]
  • 网络正当法律程序;法律的正当程序
Due process of LawDue process of Law


(in the US) the right of a citizen to be treated fairly, especially the right to a fair trial

also due process
  1. Defect and Improvement of Due Process of Law for Agricultural Land Acquisition


  2. Due process of law is an important condition for modernizing China legal system .


  3. The trial was conducted with due process of law .


  4. On the Establishment of Due Process of Law in Chinese Criminal Law suit


  5. Its theoretical basis is the human dignity and due process of law .


  6. The Due Process of Law is an important fundamental in Anglo-American law system .


  7. The Constitutional Significance of the Due Process of Law in Criminal Procedure


  8. How to Understand Due Process of Law


  9. Due process of law in the administrative procedure embodies administrative due process .


  10. Procedural Justice & Value of Due Process of Law


  11. The Due Process of Law in American Higher Education and Its Suggestion to Our Higher Education


  12. The practice of punishing people by hanging without due process of law .


  13. Fair trial rights in the Covenant are derived from due process of law .


  14. The basis of American hearing lies in " due process of law " from American constitution .


  15. On the Due Process of Law and Inspiration of the American Teachers Being Dismissed an Employee


  16. ( law ) the determination of a person 's innocence or guilt by due process of law .


  17. Nor shall any state deprive any person of life , liberty , or property , without due process of law .


  18. Hearing procedure stems from " natural justice " in Britain and " due process of law " in America .


  19. If a corporation is legally a person , then states cannot limit corporate rights without due process of law either .


  20. We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law .


  21. And , critics said , like SopA , there was no due process of law built into the pact .


  22. The development trend of administrative law has become due process of law to control government power to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens .


  23. In that case , welfare beneficiaries in New York claimed that their payments had been terminated without due process of law .


  24. This paper is closely discussed according to three constitutions of housing expropriation , which are Public interest 、 Just compensation and Due process of Law .


  25. Lastly the author discusses the embodiment of the Due Process of law in china constitution and law . Chapter ⅱ comprehensively analyzes the deportation system .


  26. Composed of members of the government civil servants , their administrative action is justified in law in accordance with due process of law is particularly important .


  27. Second , the author expatiate the development of the Due Process of law in U.K. and U.S.A. Third , the author introduces the research of china scholars .


  28. To maintain its finality , authority , stability , civil judgment once made should not be changed and set aside except by due process of law .


  29. The concept of procedural justice may date back to the principle of natural justice in Britain , and the principle of due process of law in the United States .


  30. The due process of law in America , was restricted in criminal judicature primarily , and then extended to administrative area , but firstly to the order administration .
